What a fantastic way to wrap up our unit on nutrition! Our Pot Luck Party was a huge success. Plenty of eating and fun was had by all! We read the story "Pot Luck", where each child brought in a food that began with the first letter of their name to share. We did the same, trying to represent each of the five food groups that we have been studying. Before the Potluck, we tallied each food onto a pyramid, then transferred the information onto a graph of the five food groups. We had so much fun learning with our food characters Melba Toast, Ginger Gold, Celery Stalk, Chuck Steak, and Monterey Jack Cheese! Through Picky Pedro and his friends, we know all about the food pyramid, how many servings of each group we should eat, and that each group contains special nutrients to help our bodies grow, keeping us healthy and strong. Special songs completed the unit, keeping our minds focused on healthy eating. A special thanks to Sue Waters and Heidi Berman and Megan D'Andrea for their help with the party. We couldn't have done it without you!! Check out the fun below!

We wrote about our favorite cereals as well!
Happy eating!