Sunday, February 23, 2014

We've been cooking in 6C!

Zyon's Aunt Jessica and mom, Jasmine, taught us how to make caramelized bananas, a West African dessert.
We began by slicing the bananas and adding them to melted butter.




The bananas were sauteed in the butter with brown sugar until syrupy (is that a word?) and browned.

We ate this delicious dish with vanilla ice cream! Yum!
Harry and Ella had at least 3 servings of bananas!



Thank you, Zyon, for sharing your family and delicious dessert!

This past week we also made Vanilla Wafer "oysters" with marshmallow "pearls" after reading "Pearly, the Oyster."





Coming soon....starfish!!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

International Week!

This week was packed full of special presentations, displays, music, food, and activities for Calvert as we celebrated International Week! Haiti, The Netherlands, Brazil, South Korea, and Chile were highlighted. Each of us tried new foods every day, and found that we liked many of the dishes made by Chef James and his staff in the kitchen.









Tuesday, February 4, 2014

African Houses!!


What fun we had, making African houses with our fabulous family helpers!
I was so proud of everyone for their best efforts to complete this project.
Thanks so much to our helpers...we couldn't have done it without you!






By the way, our box of supplies to the Sarah Jr. School in Nairobi, Kenya, was mailed this past Saturday. It should arrive in 8-10 days. We are very anxious for Miss Judy's response when she receives the box. Thank you to each and every one of you for your generous donations!