Sunday, October 27, 2013

All About Safety and Firefighters!

Fire, fire! Do you know what to do in an emergency situation? We do! Learning about fire safety has been exciting! We know how and when to dial 911, how to "Stop, Drop, and Roll", how to safely exit our house if there is a fire, and four different types of fires. Trying on real firefighter turnout gear was one of our favorite activities.

We worked hard writing the name of each piece of safety equipment...


We took a safety walk in school, locating fire alarms, extinguishers, exit signs, etc., and graphed the results.

For Show and Share, we brought in all kinds of safety related items, from safety helmets, to wind up radios, to sports mouth guards and life vests!

Even Mr. Wareheim joined in the fun!!

Stay tuned for pumpkins and Halloween......

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Safety City!!

What fun we had at Safety City last week! Our guides were animated, knowledgable, and excited to share best safety practices with our classes. We learned all about crossing the street, making sure to look four ways. We learned about stop lights, the definition of a pedestrian, dangers to watch for, and how to drive on the roads of Safety City. We also enjoyed climbing, sliding, and swinging on the huge playground! Here are the photos of our trip.