Monday, October 15, 2012

Outdoor Activities with our Fifth Grade Buddies!

We had an adventure with our fifth grade buddies on Friday. On Thursday, we read Leaf Man  by Lois Ehlert to prepare us for our outdoor activity. We collected leaves and parts of plants to make our own leaf men, animals, etc.  We had a great time deciding what to create. We hope you like our creations!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Apple Tree Poem by 6C Girls

We love to recite poems! Here is our first video from the girls! We love apples!

Monday, October 8, 2012

We continue our apple studies with cooking! We sliced, diced, sugared and spiced our apples on Friday afternoon. EVERYONE in the class enjoyed them with almost all coming back for seconds. We could smell the apples cooking all the way down the hall!

Friday, September 28, 2012

My goals for this year and every year are to excite, challenge, and motivate each and every child to love learning and try their very best in all that they do. Team work and cooperation go hand in hand in our classroom! Our big focus this year is RESPECT.

We are creating fabulous CLASS BOOKS that reinforce pre-reading skills, language skills,
sentence structure and our Discovery content areas. Our first books are all about our class at school and our families. Each child will have the opportunity to take the books home, share them with you, and then return them the next day so all can enjoy. These are our first two books!
We are all about TEAMWORK in 6C!
We sit at "team tables" and have "team leaders" each week. Team leaders have daily responsibilities such as passing out papers, getting supplies for their teams, and taking care of recylcing. Each team member must cooperate with their leader...another words be a team player. This builds proper respect for all students throughout the year.
We read "Mushroom in the Rain", identified characters in the story, and performed our first DRAMA! The characters happened to be animals, and we re-enacted the story with puppets.
The class has had the opportunity to retell the story using puppets during arrival time in the mornings.
Our Family Trees look fabulous in the hallway. We sponge painted and added family members on paper apples.
 This week has been all about apples. We read about Johnny Appleseed, and brought in apples to explore. Using our five senses, we generated describing words to tell about our apples resulting in a new class book "Apples, Apples." Crunchy, soft, juicy and speckled were just a few of our describing words. We complared our apples in team tables, noting which were large, small, green, red, etc. We practiced our writing skills as we wrote our describing words on each page of the book. We were fascinated with the star in the center of the apple and learned all of the parts of the apple.